Production overview for newer staff
In our workflow, the integration of usually discrete labour processes is also, by happy coincidence, educational. Participants on this training day will find out – swiftly, clearly and memorably – the way the production jigsaw fits together.
Larger companies who have a substantial throughput of new employees may find that a one-day overview of the production process before printing is invaluable in helping their staff understand more quickly what kind of work they are doing, why, how it all combines, and how they might do it better.
This course is based on our other specialist training days, with the same excellent trainer:trainee ratios and the same hands-on experience for trainees learning on computers. It includes some key skills, specifically onscreen editing, page make-up, manipulation and quality control of digital picture files, and a brief overview of quality issues when producing PDF files. A key focus throughout is on integration and the importance of communication/briefing based on effective understanding.